You can easily and quickly steal the show with this recipe because it is not really difficult to make. Whether it is genuinely Italian doesn’t really matter either because it’s just delicious.

What do you need?
- Baking tray
- Baking paper
- Olive oil
- Chicken fillets
- Green and/or black olives
- Dried tomato strips
- Grilled sweet pepper
- Tomato puree
- Parmesan cheese
- Penne (wholemeal)
- Broccoli
- Garlic
- Mushrooms
- Italian herbs
- White wine
How to make this?
First, rub the chicken fillets well with olive oil. Then place a sheet of baking paper on the baking tray. Lay the strips of grilled sweet pepper from the jar on the baking sheet and spread a teaspoon of tomato puree on top. Place the chicken fillets on each piece of pepper and spread tomato puree on that too. Chop the garlic finely and sprinkle it on top of the chicken fillets.

Put a lot of dried tomato strips from a jar on top and sprinkle with Italian herbs. Between the chicken fillets, put some pieces of mushrooms that you have also rubbed with oil and a few olives (for flavour). Preheat the oven to 175 and put the baking tray in halfway up high. Set the oven to 150-160 electric (no hot air otherwise the herbs will burn) and let everything simmer nicely on the baking tray for about 30-40 minutes.
Drink a glass of white wine and meanwhile cook the penne and a broccoli. Take your time with this as it should only be ready towards the end at the same time. Remove the tray with the chicken fillets from the oven when it’s ready and spoon them over onto the plates. Cover them generously with the Parmesan cheese flakes and top with the penne and broccoli. Garnish with the olives and mushrooms from the oven tray, Bork Bork Bork!

I make Pasta